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November 4, 2013

Review: Carolan’s Irish Cream Liqueur

by Jeff Ellingson

CarolansDeveloped in 1978 Carolan’s Irish Cream is named after the 17th century harpest Turlough O’Carolan.  Produced in Clonmel Ireland they are the world’s second best selling Irish cream.  While some Irish creams position themselves as a lower priced alternative to Baileys, Carolan’s is marketed as a better tasting product, that is also less expensive.  With a redesigned package that appears to be a taller thinner more modern take on their previous bottle and a new customer readable freshness date they are poised to take the next step.

The ingredients include fresh cream, Irish Whiskey, Irish Spirits, and honey.  By replacing chocolate with honey they truely set themselves apart.  Based on the popular trend of adding honey to whiskey, where a new brand is introduced every couple of months, you can say they were ahead of the curve.

In the bottle the aroma is butterscotch, caramel, and raisons.  It pours thick to a coffee and cream color with a slight golden honey hue.  In the glass vanilla scents open up.  Less than 1/3 of the mixture is fresh dairy cream.  Some use much more, but combined with the honey the feel is thick and smooth.  The initial flavor is butterscotch and toffee, followed by a jolt of Irish Whiskey fading to a vanilla finish.

Made in Clonmel Ireland

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Alcohol 17%

Grade 91  Award Gold Medal


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