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Posts from the ‘Shandy’ Category


Review: Leinenkugels Watermelon Shandy

Leinenkugels Watermelon Shandy was introduced in 2016.  It is one of four shandy flavors they currently produce in Chippewa Falls and Milwaukee Wisconsin.  The other flavors include their original lemon flavored Summer Shandy, Grapefruit Shandy, and Harvest Patch a pumpkin spice shandy.  At one time they also produced an Orange and a Cranberry Ginger Shandy.  Like their other shandy flavors, Watermelon starts with a Weiss beer base brewed with honey and made with Pale and Wheat malts and Cluster Hops.  Natural watermelon and other flavors are added.  Leinenkugels Watermelon Shandy is available from March-August, or while supply lasts. Read more »


Review: Aloha Traveler Pineapple Shandy

Aloha Traveler Springtime Variety Pack - CopyAloha Traveler Pineapple Shandy was just released as part of the Springtime Travelers Variety 12 pack.  Each 12 pack includes 4 bottles each of Aloha Pineapple Shandy, Illusive Grapefruit Shandy, and Curious Lemon Shandy.  The Travelers Beer Company is part of the Alchemy and Science Group of craft breweries formed by Alan Newman the Co-Founder of the Magic Hat Brewery.  This group includes the Coney Island Brewery.  They are an independently operated subsidiary of the Boston Beer Works, the makers of Samuel Adams Beer.  Aloha Traveler Pineapple Shandy is a wheat ale brewed with 2 row malted barley, malted wheat, hallertau hallertau hops, and lemon peel, with pineapple juice and natural flavors added. Read more »


Review: Jolly Traveler Winter Shandy

Jolly Traveler Winter Shandy - CopyJolly Traveler Winter Shandy is one of 5 shandy’s brewed by this division of The Boston Beer Company, the makers on Samuel Adams beer.  Jolly Travelor is brewed with lemon peel.  Pomegranate Juice, Orange, Spice, and natural flavors are then added.  As the name would imply this is a winter seasonal that is arriving on store shelves now, and availability is limited.  Read more »


Review: Schell Shocked Grapefruit Radler Beer

Schell Shocked Grapefruit - CopySchell Shocked Grapefruit Radler Beer was introduced in 2013.  It is one of fifteen beers they currently produce and one of three beers in their Extended Seasonal Series.  It is crafted at the August Shell Brewery in New Ulm Minnesota.  The first bricks to build this brewery were laid by August Schell in 1860 and it continues to be run as a family brewery.  Radler is a German term that translates to cyclist in English, and the history of Radler or Shandy beers dates back to the 50/50 mix of lemonade and beer served to cyclists in Germany dating back to the 1920’s.    Read more »


Review: Leinenkugels Harvest Patch Shandy

Leinenkugels Harvest Patch Shandy - CopyLeinenkugels Harvest Patch Shandy was introduced in 2014.  It is one of four shandy style beers they produce in Chippewa Falls Wisconsin.  Harvest Patch is a traditional Weiss beer brewed with honey, and made with Pale and Wheat malts, Cluster hops, pure water from the Big Eddy Springs, and natural pumpkin spice including nutmeg, allspice and clove.  It is available September and October or while supply lasts. Read more »


Review: Jack-O Traveler Pumpkin Shandy

Jack-O Pumpkin Shandy - CopyJack-O Traveler Pumpkin Shandy was introduced as a fall seasonal shandy in 2013.  It is one of three seasonal shandy’s The Traveler Beer Company brews with ale and lemon peels in Cincinnati Ohio.  Their other seasonal flavors include a Forbidden Apple, and Jolly Holiday Spice flavor.  The Traveler Beer Company is part of the Alchemy and Science Group of craft breweries formed by Alan Newman the co-founder of The Magic Hat Brewery and his first employee, Stacey Steinmetz.  This group is an independently operated subsidiary of The Boston Beer Works, the maker of Sam Adams Beer.  Jack-O is crafted with 2 row malted barley, malted wheat, and Hallertau Hallertau hops, with natural flavors and real pumpkin added. Read more »


Review: Widmer Brothers Hefe Shandy

Widmer Hefe ShandyWidmer Brothers Hefe Shandy was recently launched as a summer seasonal beer.  They currently craft 21 beer varieties including two other seasonal beers.  Kurt and Rob Widmer launched the Widmer Brothers Brewing Company April 1984 in Portland Oregon.  In 2008 they merged with Seattle based Red Hook Brewery and named the new company, Craft Brew Alliance.  In 2010 the Kona Brewing Company joined the group.  Their Hefe Shandy is brewed with natural lemonade flavor, 2-row and wheat malts, and alchemy, and lemon drop hops.  The Widmer Brothers crafted the Original American Hefeweizen, so it seems natural they would create the first Hefe Shandy. Read more »


Review: Labatt Shandy

Labatt summer shandy - CopyLabatt Shandy is pictured here in the Labatt Summer Mixer 12 pack, along with their Blue Light Lime.  It is also available in their own 12 packs.  Labatt has been brewing beer since 1847 when John Labatt opened his first brewery in London Ontario.  In 1995 Labatt was acquired by Inbev.  When Inbev also acquired Anheuser Busch they were forced to sell the US brewing rights to North American Breweries based in Rochester New York.  Today Labatt Shandy is still brewed there at the original Genesee Brewery.  Few details are available about Labatt Shandy but they describe this as a lager beer with a splash of lemon. Read more »


Review: Forbidden Traveler Apple Ale

forbidden traveler apple ale - CopyForbidden Traveler Apple Ale is available January-June and is one of five shandy flavors made by the Traveler Beer Company based in Burlington Vermont.  It is an independently operated subsidiary of the Boston Beer Works, the makers of Samuel Adams Beer, and Angry Orchard Hard Cider.  It is brewed at their Cincinnati OH and Breingsville PA brewery with 2-row brewers malt, malted barley, malted wheat, Hallertau-Hallertau hops and lemon peel.  Apple juice and natural flavors are then added. Read more »


Review: Leinenkugels Grapefruit Shandy

PrintLeinenkugels Grapefruit Shandy will be introduced in March.  Grapefruit flavored beer sales more than doubled in 2014 so it comes as no surprise that Leinenkugels would join the party.  This will be their forth Shandy flavor starting with their lemon flavored Summer Shandy which was launched in 2007.  Their others flavors include an Orange, and a seasonal Cranberry Ginger.  They have in the past also brewed a Lemon-Berry, and a Harvest Patch Shandy.  Except for a gap during prohibition, Leinenkugel has been brewing beer since 1867.  They were acquired in 1988 and are now part of Miller-Coors.  While they have added a second brewery in Milwaukee to handle demand, they still craft brew most of their beer at their Chippewa Falls brewery.  Grapefruit Shandy is brewed with pale and wheat malts, and cluster hops.  Natural white grapefruit flavor is then added. Read more »