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Posts from the ‘Belvedere Vodka’ Category


Review: Belvedere Ginger Zest Vodka

Belvedere Ginger Zest Vodka is set for release in April.  I was luck enough to pick up a bottle a little early.  Belvedere Ginger Zest starts with a vodka base made from Dankowski rye and pure water.  The water is sourced from their own wells and undergoes an 11 step purification process that includes reverse osmosis.  The spirit is distilled four times and is filtered twice.  Once through carbon followed by a finer mechanical filtration process.  The flavors and aromas of fresh ginger, lemon, and grapefruit are extracted in a proprietary maceration process.  These extracted oils are blended with the vodka.  No sugar is added before bottling at 80 proof. Read more »


Review: Belvedere Peach Nectar Vodka

Belvedere Peach Nectar Vodka was just released.  It is one of six flavored vodkas they currently create in Poland.  The other five flavors include Citrus, Pink Grapefruit, Mango Passion, Lemon Tea, and Wild Berry.  Belvedere Peach Nectar is crafted with Dankowski rye and pure water.  The water is sourced from their own wells and it undergoes an 11 step purification process that includes reverse osmosis.  The vodka is distilled four times and filtered twice, first through carbon and then a finer mechanical filtration process.  Fresh peaches and apricots are gently soaked for up to five weeks.  The flavors and aromas are extracted in a proprietary maceration process.  These essential oils are then blended with the vodka.  No sugar or artificial flavor is added before bottling at 80 proof. Read more »


Review: Belvedere Citrus Vodka

Belvedere Citrus vodka - CopyBelvedere Citrus vodka was launched November 2003 along with their Pomarancza flavor.  It was originally called Cytrus, and is now one of five flavored vodka’s Belvedere currently crafts in Poland with Dankowskie Rye and pure Artesian well water.  The water is sourced from their own wells and it undergoes an 11 step purification process that includes reverse osmosis.  The flavors and aromas of Italian and Argentine lemons and Mexican limes are extracted in three separate macerations.  These essential oils are then blended with the vodka.  No sugar or artificial flavor is added before bottling at 80 proof. Read more »


Review: Belvedere Vodka

Belvedere vodka - CopyBelvedere vodka was first produced in Poland in 1993, and was launched in the US in 1996.  Belvedere is named after the historic Presidential Palace in Poland.  Belvedere translates in Polish to, beautiful to see.  It is crafted in Poland with Dankowski rye and pure water.  The water is sourced from their own wells and it undergoes an 11 step purification process that includes reverse osmosis.  The vodka is distilled four times and filtered twice, first through carbon and then a finer mechanical filtration process. Read more »


Review: Belvedere Wild Berry Vodka

belvedere wild berry vodka - CopyBelvedere Wild Berry Vodka was just introduced.  It is one of 10 vodka varieties they currently craft in Poland with Dankowskie rye and pure Artisian well water.  The water is sourced from their own wells and it undergoes an 11 step purification process that includes reverse osmosis.  The vodka is distilled four times and then filtered twice, first through carbon, and then a finer mechanical filtration.  Polish strawberries and American blueberries are gently soaked for up to five weeks.  The flavors and aromas are extracted in a process called maceration.  These essential oils are then blended with the vodka.  No sugar or artificial flavor is added before bottling at 80 proof. Read more »


Review: Belvedere Orange Vodka

Belvedere orange vodka - CopyBelvedere Orange vodka was introduced November 2003.  It was originally called Pomarancza, Polish for orange.  It is made in Poland with Dankowskie rye and pure Artesian water.  It is distilled four times and filtering twice.  The peels of sweet oranges from Southern Spain, whole Mandarin oranges from Morocco, orange blossoms, and limes are gently soaked for up to five weeks at Collonges la Rouge France.  The flavors and aromas are extracted in a process called maceration.  These essential oils are then blended with the vodka.  No sugar or artificial flavor is added before bottling at 80 proof. Read more »


Review: Belvedere Black Raspberry Vodka

belvedere black raspberry - CopyBelvedere Black Raspberry vodka is made with their super premium vodka that is made in Poland with Dankowskie rye and pure Artesian water.  It is distilled four times and filtering twice.  Fresh black currents, red raspberries and rose petal essence, are gently soaked up to five weeks.  The flavors and aromas are extracted in a process called maceration.  These essential oils are then blended with the vodka.  No sugar or artificial flavor is added before bottling at 80 proof.      Read more »


Review: Belvedere Mango Passion Vodka

Belvedere mango passion - CopyBelvedere Mango Passion vodka is distilled with a blend of fresh mangoes, passion fruit, tangerine, and lime.  No sugar is added.  They start with their super premium vodka which is made in Poland with Dankowskie Rye and pure artesian water.  It is distilled four times and filtered twice.  Mango, Passion fruit, mandarin, tangerine and lime are gently soaked for up to 5 weeks.  The flavors and aromas are extracted in a process called maceration.  These essential oils are then blended with the vodka.  No sugar or artificial flavor is added before bottling at 80 proof. Read more »


Review: Belvedere Pink Grapefruit Vodka

Belvedere Pink Grapefruit - CopyBelvedere Pink Grapefruit vodka was introduced in 2010 and it is one of eleven vodkas Belvedere not creates in Zyrardow Poland.  It is made with Dankowskie Gold Rye and artisian well water that undergoes an 11 step process to insure it maintains its naturally soft and additive free character.  It is then distilled four times and filtered twice before being shipped to Collonges La Rouge France.  Upon arrival Argentinean and Spanish grapefruit, fresh ginger, and Spanish spring lemons are added using a maceration process that uses only real fruit which soaks up to five weeks drawing out all of the flavors.  Belvedere Pink Grapefruit is bottled at 40% alcohol, slightly higher than most flavored vodkas. Read more »