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Posts from the ‘Hard Ginger Ale’ Category


Review: McAles Hard Ginger Ale

McAles Hard Ginger Ale - CopyMcAles Hard Ginger Ale is one of four hard soda flavors produced by McAles Brewing Company in Los Angeles California.  It is contract brewed in Lacrosse Wisconsin at the old G. Heileman Brewery that operated from 1858 to 1996 and was most famous for producing Old Style Beer.  Their other hard soda flavors include Root Beer, Orange N Cream, and Cola.  McAles Hard Ginger Ale is described as a smooth brewed old fashioned hard ginger ale made from a secret family recipe.  McHales Hard Ginger Ale is a flavored malt liquor brewed with a complex natural blend of ginger spice. Read more »


Review: Henrys Hard Ginger Ale

Henrys Hard Ginger AleHenrys Hard Ginger Ale was just introduced along with the previously reviewed Henrys Hard Orange Soda.  While Ginger Beer originated in the UK in the Mid 1800th century, Hard Ginger Ale is riding the wave created by a tsunami named Not Your Fathers Root Beer.  Ginger Beer, led by brands including Goslings, Barritts, Reeds, and Crabbies are typically mixed with dark rum to make a Dark and Stormy or with vodka and lime juice to create a Moscow Mule.  Henrys Hard Ginger ale joins the previously released Coney Island Hard Ginger Ale, and Not Your Fathers Ginger Ale.  Others will follow.  Henrys is made by the Blitz-Weinhard Brewing Company, a division of Miller-Coors in Milwaukee Wisconsin with cane sugar and natural ingredients.  The Henry’s name comes from Henry Weinhard a German immigrant who purchased a brewery in Portland Oregon in 1864, that was the longest continuous operated brewery in the West, when it was shut down following their acquisition, by the Miller Brewing Company in 1999.  The brewery survived Prohibition by producing a line of soft drinks.  Henry Weinhards soda is still sold today, although they do not offer a ginger ale flavor. Read more »


Review: Not Your Fathers Ginger Ale

Not Your Fathers Ginger Ale - CopyNot Your Fathers Ginger Ale was just released in 12 Oz. six pack bottles, and cans.  This is their follow-up to their very successful Not Your Fathers Root Beer which is currently the nations best selling craft beer sku.  It was created at the Small Town Brewery in Wauconda Illinois and because of expected demand it is being bottled, canned, and distributed through an agreement with Pabst.  NYFGA is a gruit inspired beer.  Gruit is German for herbs, and is an ancient way of bittering and flavoring beer using roots, spices, flowers, and berries. Read more »