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Posts tagged ‘Hanson of Sonoma Organic Vodka’


Review: Hanson of Sonoma Organic Vodka

Hanson of Sonoma Organic vodka - CopyHanson of Sonoma Organic vodka was introduced in 2013.  It is one of six vodka’s the Hanson family crafts in the heart of wine country, Sonoma California.  The other flavors include ginger, cucumber, espresso, boysenberry, and the previously reviewed mandarin.  The vodka is small batch distilled with organic Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, and French Colombard grapes, and pure Artesian well water using a pot and column still that uses 50 distillation plates.  The vodka undergoes a proprietary seven stage filtration before bottling in a signed, numbered, and corked bottle. Read more »