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September 25, 2015

Review: Shipyard Pumpkinhead Ale

by Jeff Ellingson

Shipyard Pumpkinhead - CopyShipyard Pumpkinhead Ale was first introduced on draft in 1996 and in bottles in 2002.  While the beer has been around for awhile, the formula has changed over the years.  Last year this beer was brewed at 5.1% ABV.  This years version is 4.5%.  Pumpkinhead is one of seven seasonal beers that along with 8 year round and 8 specialty beers are brewed in Portland Maine.  They also brew 9% ABV Shipyard Smashed Pumpkin Ale, which is sold in 22 ounce bottles.  Very little flavoring information is available.  The bottle states this is an ale with natural flavor added.It pours to a golden orange hued color with a medium head.  The cinnamon aroma also has gingerbread with a hint of apple.  The cinnamon lead entry has a light malty taste with a touch of crisp apple sweetness.  The flavor fades with a little more pumpkin spice taste and a lightly hopped finish that leaves cinnamon and nutmeg aftertaste.  This is a very refreshing light tasting beer that will make several top ten pumpkin beer lists, including mine.

Made in Portland Maine

Malt Style: Pale Ale, Whole Wheat, Munich

Hops: Willamette, Saphir

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IBU 18

ABV 4.5%

Grade 92  Award Gold Medal

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