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July 24, 2015

Review: Patron Citronge Mango

by Jeff Ellingson

Patron citronge mango - CopyPatron Citronge Mango liqueur was recently introduced and it follows the successful release of Citronge Orange and Citronge Lime.  It is made in the Highlands of Jalisco Mexico with the highest quality Ataulfo Mangos from the Mexican states of Nayarit and Chiapas, neutral grain spirits, and pure cane sugar.  No artificial flavors are added.The aroma is fresh sliced mango.  The sugar sweet entry is joined by fresh mango flavor with a touch of citrus building to a juicy peach and mango peak.  The warm fade produces a spicy mango tingle, that leads to a long mango finish.  Patron Citronge Mango is a sweet liqueur that doesn’t cross the over sweet line.  The mango flavor is very natural tasting, and it does not have the feel of a 70 proof spirit, so you can enjoy Patron Citronge Mango served on the rocks, or in a cocktail.


Mango Punch                                                                     Mango Frappe

1 Oz. Citronge Mango                                                         1 1/2 Oz. Citronge Mango

1 Oz. Pyrat Rum                                                                  1 1/2 Oz. Ultimate Vodka

4 Oz. Fresh Pineapple Juice                                               1 1/2 Oz. Fresh Pineapple Juice

1/2 Oz. Fresh Lime Juice                                                    Shake With Ice and Serve in a Tall Glass

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Shake with Ice

Strain and Pour Over Ice in a Tall Glass

Garnish with a Pineapple Slice

Made in The Highlands of Jalisco Mexico

35% Alcohol

Grade 92  Award Gold Medal

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