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March 3, 2015

Review: Ocean Vodka

by Jeff Ellingson

Ocean vodka image - CopyOcean Vodka was originally launched in 2005.  Over the years it has undergone several changes in how it is made.  It is crafted in Maui with organic sugar cane grown on 80 acres on the slopes of Mount Haleakala.  It is blended with deep ocean water which originated as Greenland Glacier melt over 2000 years ago.  After traveling around the globe through deep ocean currents the water is sourced from 3000 feet below the Kona coast off the Big Island of Hawaii.  The water is then organically purified and desalinated through a natural filtration process that filters the sodium but leaves the minerals.  Distillation takes place in columns containing more than 100 plates, each of which is a refining distillation process.  This process separates impurities by precisely controlling heating and cooling of the spirit.  The globe shaped ocean blue colored bottle is made from 100% recycled material.  Ocean utilizes solar panels to power 100% of the operations of the distillery.The aroma is vanilla with an alcohol backing.  The flavor is sweet vanilla building to a creamy peak.  There is a nice sweetness to this vodka no doubt the result of the sugar cane base.  It fades with a touch of charcoal and licorice, and while the finish is smooth and dry, there is some heat and a touch of pepper.  This is a vodka that earns high marks in story and presentation.  Let’s be honest this bottle would look great in any bar.  The initial flavor also earns high marks, but the finish may be a little warm for some to drink straight, or on the rocks.

Made in Maui Hawaii

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Grade 91  Award Silver Medal

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