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October 16, 2022

Review: Mummy’s Milk Hard Seltzer

by Jeff Ellingson

Mummy’s Milk Hard Seltzer was just introduced.  It was released by Denver Underwear Company Shinesty.  While some may point to this as proof hard seltzer has finally jumped the shark, I would argue that happened years ago.  Shinesty partnered with Eliqs Brew Company to produce this Halloween themed hard seltzer.   I would describe Shinesty as a fun loving underwear company.  As proof their underwear comes with a promise of a “truly hair-raising experience unless you’ve recently waxed”.  While their underwear is novelty in nature, their quality is premium.  Getting back to the hard seltzer, it is sold in 12 packs through the Shinesty website.  The flavors include Frankenstein’s Monster-Lime, Jack O’Liquid-Mango, and Ghost Spit-Black Cherry.  Each can has a fun explanation of how it was produced.  In crafting Frankenstein’s Monster the brewmaster scoured cemeteries for the freshest products, then added a whole bunch of lime to balance the rotting flesh taste.  Mummy’s Milk Hard Seltzer is “Best Served Colder Than a Witches Tit”.

Mummy’s Milk Jack O’Liquid-Mango:  Does everything Orange and Halloween have to be pumpkin spice flavored.  Shinesty thinks the answer to that is no so they made theirs a mango flavor.  It pours to a pale golden color with a foamy white head.  The aroma leads with mango and malt.  The sweet mango entry builds to a tart mango peak.  It fades with foamy seltzer and finishes with tart mango, citrus, malt, and seltzer taste.

Grade: B-

Mummy’s Milk Ghost Spit:  The aroma leads with malt.  Black Cherry follows.  The sweet black cherry entry builds to a cherry malt peak.  It fades with sour black cherry and finishes with malty beer and carbon seltzer taste.

Grade: B-

Mummy’s Milk Frankenstein’s Monster:  The aroma leads with sliced lime and malt.  The lime juice entry is joined by malt building to a tart lime juice and malt peak.  It fades with sour lime and finishes with malty beer, carbon seltzer, and lime juice taste.

Grade: B-

The Bottom Line:  Mummy’s Milk may appeal more to a traditional beer drinker than a traditional hard seltzer fan.  All three flavors of Mummy’s Milk hard seltzer have more of a flavored beer vibe than hard seltzer.  I’m guessing they were brewed from a malt base as opposed to a sugar alcohol base like Truly and White Claw.

Made in San Luis Obispo California

100 Calories

5.1% Alcohol

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