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December 17, 2015

Review: Covington Gourmet Vodka

by Jeff Ellingson

Covington vodka - CopyCovington Gourmet Vodka was introduced in 2012.  It is crafted in small batches with locally grown Covington Sweet Potatoes.  20 pounds of sweet potatoes are needed to produce one bottle of their vodka.  Covington is small batch distilled once at 190 degrees in a continuous column still that contains a pot still.  Only the heart, 60% of each batch is bottled, with the heads and tails of each batch discarded. The spent mash is returned to the soil to enrich the next crop.  The vodka is then filtered through fine mesh to retain its creaminess.  Some interesting facts include, a sweet potato is not a potato, and in case you have been calling them yams, they are not yams either.  The sweet potato is native to Central and South America, but 80% of the worlds sweet potatoes are grown in China.  The US produces less than 1% of the worlds supply, with North Carolina being the state that produces the most.The aroma is creamy potato, and vanilla with an earthy backing.  Covington is creamy without being thick or starchy.  The sweet vanilla entry has sweet potato taste.  Caramel flavor arrives building to a vanilla caramel corn peak.  It fades with vanilla and finishes semi-dry, and peppery with mineral notes.  Covington Gourmet Vodka is a smooth and clean vodka, that leaves creamy vanilla bean and brown sugar taste.

Made in Snow Hill North Carolina

40% Alcohol
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Grade 93

Award Gold Medal

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