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March 14, 2015

Review: Sobieski Vodka

by Jeff Ellingson

sobieski vodka - CopySobieski vodka was introduced in the US market in 2007 and it may be best known for their Bruce Willis commercials.  They have since added 11 flavored vodka’s to their US lineup.  It is the number 1 selling vodka in Poland and it was named after King Jan III Sobieski.  It is crafted using a continuous column still distillation process with Dankowski rye and crystalline water from the Oligocene Springs.The aroma is subtle.  In my mouth the feel is soft and creamy.  The flavor is sweet rye peaking with a hint of vanilla.  It fades with a lightly sweet mineral water taste, and a very smooth finish.  Sobieski is smooth enough to sip on the rocks and the soft sweet flavor will enhance your favorite cocktails.  Don’t tell Sobieski their vodka would be a bargain at twice the price.

Made in Stargard Odanski Poland

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Grade 93  Award Gold Medal

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