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October 27, 2014

Review: Sobieski Raspberry Vodka

by Jeff Ellingson

sobieski raspberry vodka - CopySobieski Raspberry vodka was introduced October 2010 along with their Karamel, and Orange flavors.  It is one of twelve vodka flavors made in Stargard Odanski Poland by Sobieski for the US market.  If the brand name sounds familiar it might be their commercials with Bruce Willis.  Sobieski starts with Dankowski Rys and crystalline water from Oligocene Springs.  They use a continuous distillation process before natural flavors are added.  Sobieski is the number one selling vodka in Poland.The aroma is fresh raspberry with some rye vodka notes.  The fresh natural raspberry flavor with a hint of rye leaps from my glass.  In my mouth the feel is soft and creamy.  There is a mild mouth warming but by the third or forth sip you wont notice.  Sobieski continues to produce smooth great tasting premium flavored vodka’s at a bargain price.  Don’t tell them they could charge a lot more.

Sobieski Raspberry Ganache

2 Oz. Sobieski Raspberry vodka

1/2 Oz. Cream

A Splash of Grenadine
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Shake with ice and serve in a sugar rimmed martini glass

Made in Stargard Odanski Poland

35% Alcohol

Grade 93  Award Gold Medal

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