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May 4, 2015

Review: Sobieski Orange Vodka

by Jeff Ellingson

Sobieski Orange - CopySobieski Orange vodka was introduced October 2010 with their Karamel, and Raspberry flavors.  It is one of twelve vodka flavors made in Stargard Odanski Poland by Sobieski for the US market.  Sobieski is the best selling vodka in Poland.  It is crafted with Dankowski rye and crystalline water from Oligocene springs and is continuously distilled before natural flavors are added.The aroma is fresh squeezed orange with a vodka backing.  The orange flavored entry builds in intensity to a juicy orange peak as it warms in my mouth.  It fades with creamy orange taste and very little heat with a long orange zest finish.  There is a touch of bitter, and vodka flavor, on the finish.

Sobieski Sand Trap

2 Oz. Sobieski Orange vodka

2 Oz. Fresh Pineapple Juice

Serve on the rocks
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Garnish with a Pineapple wedge

Made in Poland

35% Alcohol

Grade 91  Award Silver Medal

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