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September 1, 2015

Review: Pickers Blood Orange Vodka

by Jeff Ellingson

Pickers Blood Orange Vodka - CopyPickers Blood Orange vodka was introduced earlier this year and it is one of three vodkas crafted at the Speakeasy Spirits Distillery located in the historic west town neighborhood of Nashville Tennessee.  The other flavors are Blueberry and their Original unflavored.  The Speakeasy Spirits Distillery was opened in 2012 by Jeff and Jenny Pennington.  They also create the previously reviewed Whisper Creek Tennessee Sipping Cream, and Pennington’s Strawberry Rye Whiskey.  Pickers Blood Orange vodka is made with non GMO corn that is distilled 11 times in a 32 foot state of the art Vendome column still, that features 48 plates to remove impurities.  Once distilled the vodka is blended with pure Tennessee limestone water and filtered four times.  Real fruit and extracts including California grown blood orange juice are infused before bottling at 70 proof.It pours to a pink grapefruit color.  The aroma is fresh squeezed blood orange.  The sweet blood orange entry builds to a tart juicy peak.  It fades with a gentle peppery sting and a mild warming before a long flavorful smooth finish.  Pickers Blood Orange vodka is a very refreshing vodka that is natural tasting, and for those unfamiliar with blood orange, I would describe the taste of this vodka as a mix of fresh squeezed orange and ruby red grapefruit juice.  I can’t wait to try their blueberry flavor.

Blood Orange Sidecar

1 Oz. Pickers Blood Orange Vodka

1 Oz. Brandy

1/2 Oz. Lime Juice

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Shake With Ice and Strain Into a Chilled Coupe Glass

Made in Nashville Tennessee

35% Alcohol

Grade 93  Award Gold Medal

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