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August 6, 2016

Review: McAles Hard Ginger Ale

by Jeff Ellingson

McAles Hard Ginger Ale - CopyMcAles Hard Ginger Ale is one of four hard soda flavors produced by McAles Brewing Company in Los Angeles California.  It is contract brewed in Lacrosse Wisconsin at the old G. Heileman Brewery that operated from 1858 to 1996 and was most famous for producing Old Style Beer.  Their other hard soda flavors include Root Beer, Orange N Cream, and Cola.  McAles Hard Ginger Ale is described as a smooth brewed old fashioned hard ginger ale made from a secret family recipe.  McHales Hard Ginger Ale is a flavored malt liquor brewed with a complex natural blend of ginger spice.It pours to a caramel ginger ale color.  The aroma is lemon-lime, and ginger with a light beer backing.  The lemon-lime soda entry is joined by spicy ginger.  It fades with unsweetened ginger flavor and a mild sting.  The finish has bittersweet ginger, saccharine, and beer taste, and it burns as I swallow, leaving a similar burn on my lips and mouth.  Some family recipes should remain a secret.

Made in Lacrosse Wisconsin

6% Alcohol

Grade 82
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