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September 30, 2014

Review: Fris Orange Freeze Vodka

by Jeff Ellingson

fris orange - CopyFris Orange Freeze vodka was introduced July 2012 as Pernod Richard re-launched the Fris vodka line.  It is one of 4 vodka flavors they distill in Canada with whole grain wheat and pure spring water.  The other flavors are Citrus, Whipped, and their unflavored original.  Fris was originally created in Denmark in 1989 at the Aalborg Distillery.  It was sold in 1999 to V&S and again in 2008 to Pernod Richard, the parent company of Absolut Vodka.  They use a six column distillation process that continuously freeze distills the vodka at 14 degrees.  The fusel oils, a by-product of the fermentation process freeze into a solid mass and are removed leaving a clean pure vodka.  All natural flavors are added before bottling at 70 proof.The aroma is orange with vodka and orange rind.  The flavor enters as fresh squeezed orange juice and peaks with a very creamy orange sherbet taste with a hint of caramel flavor.  It fades with a mild mouth warming and some vodka flavor before an orange skin finish.  Fris Orange Freeze is smooth enough to drink on the rocks or serve in a tasty cocktail.

Fris Orange Whipped Freeze

1/2 Oz. Fris Orange Freeze vodka

1/2 Oz. Fris Whipped Freeze vodka

1 Splash of orange juice

1 Splash of Cream
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Shake with ice and serve in a shot glass

Garnish with an orange slice

Made in Canada

35% Alcohol

Grade 92 Award Gold Medal

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