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Posts tagged ‘Stillhouse Peanut Butter Smores Whiskey’


Review: Stillhouse Peanut Butter Smores Whiskey

Stillhouse Peanut Butter Smores Whiskey was recently released.  It joins a flavored whiskey lineup that includes Peach Tea, Apple Crisp, and Spiced Cherry.  Stillhouse had previously produced a Red Hot, Coconut, and Mint Chip flavored whiskey.  Stillhouse Moonshine was Co-Founded by Brad Beckermann in 2010.  In 2014 Bacardi made a minority investment before acquiring the brand in 2019.  All of the Stillhouse flavored whiskeys are made from the Stillhouse Original Whiskey base made from a 100% corn whiskey base traditionally distilled in copper pot stills.  This one is infused with peanut butter s’mores liqueur.  Stillhouse also produces Stillhouse Black Bourbon and Stillhouse Classic Vodka. Read more »